About us

We are education center of LEGO® robotcs teaching under concept of LEGO EDUCATION®. We teach in Prague childeren of of all age pre-school and primary school categories in czech, english, russian since 2016.

For schools and pre-schools

We offer extra curricular eduation of LEGO® robotcs in your school. Our programs include pre-school educaton for 5 y.o. childeren, elementary school 6 - 10 y.o. childeren, and middle school 11-15 y.o. childeren.

Class can be run to suite your school's needs in czech, english or russian.

Lessons are build on S.T.E.A.M. education concept, tj. Science - Technology - Engeneering - Art - Mathematics combining wide range of topics put in broader context. Special emphasiss is being taken to engage problem analysis discussion, presentation of solution and cooperation among students.

Should you be interested to have our courses in your educataional institution, please feel free to contact us via:
(+420) 777 172 746

Sign up your child

Please submit the following form to sign up your child to LEGO robotics course run in one of our partner schools

For Schools

Should you like to have our courses in your educataional institution, please contact us via (+420) 777 172 746 or via following:

Team RoboCity

Marián Grocký

Founder of RoboCity and instructor, graduate of biophysics at Mathematis and Physics faculty of Charles University in Prague.

Mgr. Edgar Fusko

Robotics instructor graduated in technical design at Univerzity of Konštantína Filozofa in Nitra.

Michal Barta

Instructoer and student of geography and cartography at Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University in Prague.

Maksim Kiselev

Instructor and student of cybernetics at Electo-technical Fakulty of Czech Technical University in Prague.

Peter Póczoš

Instructor and graduate of microelectronics of Electo-technical Fakulty of Czech Technical University in Prague.


Should you like to have our courses in your educataional institution, please use:
(+420) 777 172 746